If you’ve ever been startled by a house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata) darting across the floor, you’re not alone. These fast-moving critters, sometimes called “hundred-legged worms,” have a knack for appearing unexpectedly. While their name suggests otherwise, centipedes can have anywhere from 15 to 177 pairs of legs, depending on the species. Their bodies range in size from less than an inch to over six inches and typically feature brown or reddish-orange coloring.

Why Centipedes Thrive in Lakewood Ranch

Centipedes prefer moist environments, making areas like basements, bathrooms, and laundry rooms ideal for them. In Lakewood Ranch, our warm, humid climate makes lawns, gardens, and other shaded spaces inviting habitats for these insects. Although centipedes are not harmful to humans, their nocturnal habits and sudden movements can cause discomfort, especially when they scurry across floors or walls at night.

Comprehensive Centipede Control for Your Home & Yard

At Lakewood Ranch Pest Control, we offer expert centipede control that goes beyond eliminating the pests you see. We also target the conditions that attract centipedes, providing long-term protection tailored to the local environment.

Our solutions include:

  • Identifying and addressing moisture issues that invite centipedes.
  • Applying treatments to key areas inside and outside your home to stop centipede activity.
  • Offering tips to reduce humidity and modify habitats to prevent future infestations.

Say Goodbye to Centipedes with Lakewood Ranch Pest Control

Don’t let centipedes make themselves at home in your space. Call Lakewood Ranch Pest Control at (941) 318-7612 today for professional centipede control services that keep your home and yard comfortable and pest-free!

While centipedes may be unsettling to encounter, they play an essential role in controlling pest populations by feeding on insects and other small creatures. In Lakewood Ranch, several types of centipedes may find their way into your home or yard. Knowing how to identify them can help you understand their behavior and take appropriate steps for control.

Types of Centipedes in Lakewood Ranch, FL

Florida Blue Centipede (Hemiscolopendra marginata)

  • Appearance: Ranges from grayish-blue to orange in color.
  • Habitat: Found in dark, moist areas, especially at night.
  • Diet: Feeds on insects, worms, and snails.
  • Impact: Beneficial for pest control and harmless to humans.

House Centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata)

  • Appearance: Yellowish-brown body with long legs.
  • Habitat: Prefers damp areas such as basements, bathrooms, and crawl spaces.
  • Behavior: Not aggressive, they run from threats and prey on ants, spiders, and small pests.
  • Common Indoors: The most frequent centipede found in homes.

Bark Centipede

  • Appearance: Brown with yellow legs, growing up to 2 inches.
  • Habitat: Lives outdoors under bark, rocks, or debris.
  • Behavior: Non-aggressive and feeds on smaller insects. Rarely poses a threat to humans.

Take the First Step Toward a Centipede-Free Home

While these centipedes can help keep other pest populations under control, you don’t have to share your home with them. Call Lakewood Ranch Pest Control at (941) 318-7612 to schedule your free inspection and enjoy expert pest control tailored to your needs. Let us help you reclaim your space and ensure it stays centipede-free!

At Lakewood Ranch Pest Control, we offer comprehensive centipede control solutions that go beyond simple treatments. We help manage centipede populations while also addressing the conditions that lead them into your home in the first place.

Centipedes are nocturnal creatures that thrive in moist environments. While seeing one occasionally is not uncommon, multiple sightings could signal a larger infestation. Identifying the signs early and addressing the problem promptly can help keep your home free of these fast-moving pests.

Signs of a Centipede Infestation

  • Frequent Sightings: The most obvious sign of an infestation is seeing centipedes, especially at night.
  • Droppings: Look for small, dark pellets in areas where centipedes are active.
  • Eggs: Centipede eggs appear as small, white sacs and are usually found in moist, dark areas.
  • Foul Odor: When disturbed, centipedes can emit a foul smell, especially in large numbers.

Where Centipedes Hide in Your Home

Centipedes prefer dark, damp spaces, making the following areas prime hiding spots:

  • Basements: Moist, dark environments where centipedes thrive.
  • Crawl Spaces: A common hiding place with easy access to moisture.
  • Bathrooms: Humidity in bathrooms makes them attractive to centipedes.
  • Kitchens: Kitchens attract centipedes due to the presence of other pests like cockroaches and spiders—their primary food sources.

How to Prevent Centipede Infestations

  • Seal Cracks and Holes: Close gaps in your home’s foundation and exterior walls to block centipede entry points.
  • Declutter: Keep your home tidy to remove hiding spots and reduce insect prey.
  • Control Moisture: Use dehumidifiers in damp areas and repair leaks promptly.
  • Use Traps and Repellents: Place insect traps and apply repellents in areas where centipedes are often seen.

Need Help? Call Lakewood Ranch Pest Control Today

If you suspect a centipede infestation, it’s time to call the experts. Lakewood Ranch Pest Control will identify the centipede species in your home and recommend the best treatment plan for long-term protection.

Call us today at (941) 318-7612 or schedule a free inspection to keep your home pest-free and comfortable year-round!

If you want to keep centipedes out of your home without using chemicals, home remedies and natural solutions can be effective deterrents. These methods help repel centipedes while maintaining a safer environment for your family and pets.

Home Remedies for Centipede Control

  • Salt: Sprinkle salt along doorways, windowsills, and other entry points. Centipedes avoid salt, making it a simple and natural deterrent.
  • Essential Oils: Oils like peppermint, tea tree, citronella, or eucalyptus repel centipedes. Add a few drops to a spray bottle filled with water and apply in problem areas.
  • Bay Leaves: Scatter bay leaves around your home. Their scent repels many insects, including centipedes.
  • Diatomaceous Earth: This natural powder dehydrates and kills centipedes. Sprinkle it along baseboards, in basements, and other damp areas.

Natural Remedies to Keep Centipedes Away

  • Garlic: Crush garlic cloves and place them in areas where centipedes are seen. The strong smell acts as a natural repellent.
  • Vinegar: Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and apply it to entry points and damp areas.
  • Citrus Peels: Use lemon or orange peels around your home or boil citrus peels to create a spray. The oils in the peels act as a natural deterrent.

Scents That Repel Centipedes

Centipedes dislike strong, pungent scents. Use the following oils or ingredients to deter them:

  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Eucalyptus Oil
  • Lemon or Orange Essential Oil

Additional Tips to Prevent Centipede Infestations

  • Keep Your Home Clutter-Free: Centipedes hide in dark, damp, cluttered spaces. Regular cleaning makes your home less inviting.
  • Reduce Moisture: Use dehumidifiers and fix leaks to keep moisture levels low.
  • Seal Entry Points: Close cracks and gaps in walls, windows, and doors to block centipede access.
  • Use Commercial Traps or Repellents: Insect traps and non-toxic repellents can effectively prevent centipede activity.

Need Professional Help? Call Lakewood Ranch Pest Control Today

Home remedies can help, but if you’re dealing with a persistent infestation, professional pest control may be necessary. Our experts will assess the situation and provide effective, safe solutions tailored to your home.

Call Lakewood Ranch Pest Control at (941) 318-7612 or schedule a free centipede inspection to enjoy a centipede-free home today!

Centipedes, with their many legs and segmented bodies, thrive in moist, dark environments like basements, bathrooms, and crawl spaces. While they are not harmful to humans, they can be unsettling to encounter. Since centipedes feed on other pests, eliminating them requires more than just surface treatment. Use these tips to prevent centipedes from infesting your home and create an environment that keeps them out for good.

Effective Centipede Prevention Tips

  1. Keep Your Home Clean and Clutter-Free

    • Centipedes hide in dark, damp areas with clutter.
    • Regular cleaning makes your home less attractive to pests.
  2. Reduce Moisture Levels

    • Use dehumidifiers in basements and bathrooms to control humidity.
    • Fix any leaks in plumbing or pipes promptly.
    • Keep your basement dry and well-ventilated to limit centipede activity.
  3. Seal Cracks and Gaps

    • Inspect and seal cracks, holes, and gaps in your home’s foundation and exterior.
    • Blocking these small entry points prevents centipedes from sneaking inside.
  4. Eliminate Other Pests

    • Since centipedes feed on insects and spiders, removing other pests reduces their food source and discourages their presence.
  5. Use Commercial Traps and Repellents

    • Place insect traps in areas where centipedes are common.
    • Use non-toxic repellents around windows, doors, and damp spaces to keep them away.
  6. Avoid Creating a Moist Environment

    • Repair leaks immediately and run dehumidifiers where needed.
    • Store firewood, debris, and other clutter away from your home to limit hiding places.

Additional Prevention Tips

  • Inspect Your Home Regularly: Look for centipede droppings, eggs, and live centipedes in moist areas.
  • Stay Calm if You See a Centipede: Though centipedes rarely bite, they may do so if threatened. Clean bites with soap and water and apply a cold compress if needed.
  • Contact a Pest Control Professional: If you experience a persistent infestation, Lakewood Ranch Pest Control can provide expert solutions tailored to your needs.

Need Help? Call Lakewood Ranch Pest Control Today

If centipedes have become more than just an occasional visitor, our experts can help. Call Lakewood Ranch Pest Control at (941) 318-7612 or schedule a free inspection to protect your home and enjoy peace of mind with effective, local pest control solutions.

If centipedes have invaded your home, using the right tools and techniques can help you regain control. While centipedes don’t typically harm people or damage property, they can be unsettling. Here’s a list of effective products and strategies to eliminate centipedes and prevent re-infestation.

Use a Vacuum to Remove Centipedes

A powerful vacuum is a great tool for capturing house centipedes, especially those hiding in hard-to-reach places. This method allows you to remove them quickly without direct contact.

Set Sticky Traps for Centipedes

Strategically place sticky glue traps around your home, particularly in basements, bathrooms, or under sinks where centipedes are likely to roam. When these pests search for food, they get caught in the traps, reducing their population over time.

Apply Pesticide Spray

A targeted pesticide spray can eliminate centipedes and prevent future infestations. Spray in areas where centipedes are active, including cracks, baseboards, and entry points. This approach provides both immediate and long-term protection.

Use Pesticide Granules Outdoors

Applying pesticide granules around your home’s perimeter is an excellent way to block centipedes from entering. Granules are highly effective at killing crawling pests and preventing future infestations. Spread them along gardens, foundations, and doorways for lasting results.

Try Natural Remedies for Centipedes

For those who prefer chemical-free solutions, natural remedies can also discourage centipedes:

  • Dustpan and Broom: Gently sweep centipedes out of your home.
  • Essential Oils: Use peppermint or tea tree oil spray to repel centipedes.
  • Salt or Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle these substances in problem areas to dehydrate and deter centipedes.

Understanding Centipede Behavior and Safety

Though house centipedes are generally harmless, they can bite if provoked. Their bite is similar to a bee sting and may cause a reaction in those with allergies. If bitten, clean the area with soap and water and apply a cold compress. If the bite penetrates the skin or causes swelling, consult a physician.

Most centipedes found indoors are not dangerous and rarely reproduce inside the home. House centipedes, the only species capable of sustaining indoor populations, primarily hunt other insects and don’t damage furniture or contaminate food supplies.

Professional Help with Centipede Control in Lakewood Ranch

If centipedes are becoming a problem, Lakewood Ranch Pest Control can help. We use proven methods and customized treatments to eliminate infestations and keep your home centipede-free.

Call us at (941) 318-7612 or schedule an inspection to protect your home with professional centipede control services.

Centipedes are often drawn to environments with high moisture levels. If you have damp basements, leaky pipes, or areas with poor ventilation, these conditions can create the perfect habitat for centipedes. They typically enter homes in search of food, such as insects or spiders, and often sneak in through small cracks, gaps under doors, or poorly sealed windows.

Signs of a centipede infestation include spotting live centipedes, particularly in damp areas such as basements, bathrooms, or under sinks. You may also notice them during the night, as centipedes are nocturnal and prefer darkness. Seeing a lot of centipedes could also mean there’s a food source—other pests—lurking in your home.

Centipedes are not poisonous to humans, but some species can bite if provoked, delivering a mild venom that can cause localized pain or irritation. Millipedes, on the other hand, do not bite but may release a fluid that can cause skin irritation if handled roughly. Neither centipedes nor millipedes are dangerous in most cases.

Yes, centipedes can bite, but bites are rare and usually occur only when they feel threatened. Most centipede bites are harmless, similar to a bee sting, and might cause mild swelling, redness, or discomfort. Larger species can deliver more painful bites, but they are not life-threatening.

For the best centipede control in Lakewood Ranch, rely on our expert services designed to tackle local pest challenges head-on. When you search for “best centipede control company near me,” you’ll find that our professional approach and exceptional results truly stand out.

Reach out to Lakewood Ranch Pest Control today to schedule a free, comprehensive pest inspection and receive a customized treatment plan. Let us be your trusted partner in maintaining a healthy, pest-free home!