Beetle infestation in your home can be identified by several common signs. The most noticeable indication is the presence of beetles themselves—if you spot beetles in your home, it’s likely that there are more hiding nearby.

Signs of a Beetle Infestation

  • Beetle droppings: Small, dark, and granular in appearance, often found in areas where beetles are active, such as under furniture, in closets, or in basements.
  • Beetle eggs: Small, oval-shaped eggs, typically found in clusters in protected areas like wall cracks or under rocks.
  • Unpleasant odor: Some beetle species emit a strong, unpleasant odor, which can be a clear indication of a larger infestation.

Where Beetles Hide in Your Home

Beetles often hide in warm, dark, and secluded areas around the home. You may find them:

  • Under furniture such as sofas or beds
  • Inside closets where clutter provides them with hiding spots
  • In basements, which tend to be cool and dark
  • In cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and ceilings

Don’t Wait – Reclaim Your Home Today!

If you’ve noticed any of these signs in your home, it’s important to take action quickly. For expert beetle control services and to keep your home protected, call Lakewood Ranch Pest Control at (941) 318-7612 today! Our professional team is here to help eliminate beetles and prevent future infestations, ensuring your home remains beetle-free and comfortable.

Preventing beetle infestations requires taking proactive steps to keep your home secure and unattractive to these pests. Here are some effective methods to protect your property:

Seal Entry Points

Start by sealing up any cracks or holes in your home’s exterior and installing weatherstripping around doors and windows to keep beetles from getting inside.

Trim Trees and Shrubs

Trim trees and shrubs that are close to your home to make it harder for beetles to enter your attic or roof.

Maintain a Clean Yard

Keeping your yard clean and free of debris will reduce the likelihood of beetles being drawn to your property.

Store Food Properly

Store food in airtight containers to prevent beetles from contaminating your food supply, and inspect your home regularly for signs of beetle activity.

Take Immediate Action, Today!

If you’re dealing with a beetle infestation, contact Lakewood Ranch Pest Control today. Our professional beetle control services can help identify the type of beetle invading your home and provide a customized treatment plan to eliminate them effectively.

Lakewood Ranch’s beautiful lawns are unfortunately attractive to many pests, including beetles that can cause significant damage. At Lakewood Ranch Pest Control, we specialize in identifying and eliminating the most damaging beetle infestations that can invade your yard, compromising its health and appearance.

Beetles are often attracted to properties due to accessible food sources or suitable shelter. They can enter your home through cracks, poorly sealed windows, or doors. Some beetles are attracted to stored food products (like flour and grains), while others may invade because of plants, firewood, or decaying organic material. Outdoor lights can also attract beetles at night, leading them closer to entry points.

The seriousness of a beetle infestation depends on the type of beetle. Some beetles, like carpet beetles, can cause damage to fabrics, while pantry beetles contaminate stored food items. Other beetles may damage wooden structures or plants. While most beetles do not pose direct health threats, their presence can lead to costly damage to personal property and contamination of food sources. Proper identification and control are essential to prevent extensive damage.

For top ‘beetle control near me in Lakewood Ranch, rely on our expert services tailored to effectively address local beetle infestations. When you search for “best beetle pest control company near me,” our professional approach and exceptional results will set us apart.

Don’t let beetles compromise your lawn’s health or your peace of mind. Contact Lakewood Ranch Pest Control today to schedule a free, comprehensive beetle inspection and receive a customized treatment plan. Trust us to be your reliable partner in keeping your property beetle-free. With our expertise, you can rest assured that your beetle issues will be expertly handled.