Get Rid Of Ghost Ants In Lakewood Ranch, FL
Ghost ants, with their pale, translucent legs and abdomens, which makes them difficult to see. Their heads and thoraxes are usually dark brown, creating a stark contrast that helps distinguish them from other ant species. Their small size (about 1.3-1.5 mm long) and ghostly appearance contribute to their name. Ghost ants are strongly attracted to […]
Get Rid Of Fire Ants In Lakewood Ranch, FL
Fire ants are known for their painful sting, which contains alkaloid venom called solenopsin. The sting causes a burning sensation, which is how they earned their name. The venom can also cause allergic reactions, and in rare cases, anaphylaxis in humans. By first understanding the behavior and biology of fire ants, we can get rid […]
Get Rid of Black Ants in Lakewood Ranch, FL
Ever spotted a line of big black ants making themselves at home Lakewood Ranch, FL? You’re definitely not alone. These relentless invaders have a way of transforming a peaceful household into an unexpected battleground—particularly during our steamy summer months. But why are they here, and how do they seem so unstoppable? Meet the carpenter ant […]
Get Rid of Ants in Lakewood Ranch, FL
To effectively get rid of ants in Lakewood Ranch can be a challenging task, especially with Florida’s wide variety of ant species and favorable climate. With nearly 20 different types of ants across the state, including aggressive red imported fire ants and moisture-loving ghost ants, it’s no wonder they’re a common nuisance for homeowners. Some, […]